To Croc or not to Croc…….

IMG_0629Holy Shit…….. I seem to be suffering from what I can only describe as ‘Croc envy’. How this happened is beyond me. I hate the things…. or at least I thought I did.

Anyone who is not British is probably reading this and thinking ‘Whats the big deal?, they’re only crocs’. WRONG!!! They are plastic looking clogs filled with holes that people feel the need to decorate with things called ‘jibbitz’. Seriously who in their right mind would buy a pair? They neither look nice or sound nice. And in my opinion on a par with wearing Jesus sandals and socks!!

But yet I find myself staring at a pair of navy blue size tens … imagining what they would look like in a petite size 5 in either a red or green. I watch as they walk across the kitchen, out the back door and notice how they seem to be cool, calm and in control on the slippery decking. I mutter under my breath ‘these bad boys would handle any terrain’.

When no one is watching, I do the unthinkable….. I slip my right foot in and feel the bounce below, these are not plastic! The traction  under my feet does not only act as a grip but also seems to be massaging the sole of my foot, is there no end to their talents?. I mess with the strap, test out whether it looks best resting on the heal or on show up front and start to day dream of how nice it would be to have their comfy spring below. I hear someone and  quickly take my foot out, look around and walk away.

The next day they are sitting by the back door. I feel this is to tease and  convey that they are not only a sturdy outdoor shoe (that take two seconds to get on and off) but also an indestructible slipper. They still look as new as the day they first entered the house and yet they have been used many times to play different roles.

  • A Quick dash to the shop in the car.
  • A Trip to do the recycling.
  • A quick clean up in the garden.
  • Taking the bins out.
  • Fetching the post from our restored postbox.
  • Cooking a meal – they seem perfect for messy cooking.
  • Sitting in the garden admiring the view.
  • Chatting with a neighbour on front porch.

The list is endless…… So my question is: To Croc or not to Croc?

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8 Responses to To Croc or not to Croc…….

  1. taceymiff says:

    For the love of every god there is……
    As much as I love you are considering this carefully with a very operational and practical approach, may I remind you that they are fucking hideous?…. I myself choose practical clothing but when it comes to crocs it is just an unessesary extreme.
    I love you and your feet dearly however would prefer you walking bearfoot (yes over broken glass even) than see see you reduced to such ‘footwear’.
    I may go so far as to say that they are evil in that they are attempting to take over your brain and feet in an attempt of procreation. You must dispose of them immediately from your home! Good luck

  2. Suki Tonks says:

    Thankfully I have not been seduced by these evil pieces of footwear…they look cute only on children…I wonder what Sharn is thinking….x

  3. Hmm, I wear something quite similar out at my rural place in Brittany – they don’t have those holes in but they’re similar. It’s okay to be totally uncool out in the sticks… maybe

  4. Anne says:

    To croc! They are hideous beyond words, but they are so comfortable! But, here’s the good thing: they now come in different designs. I have hinted rather strongly, to my husband and hope to find these (,no_NO,sc.html) under the christmas tree…
    Thanks for the follow on my blog btw 🙂

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